我收集了从第一套人民币到第四套人民币的所有票样,其中第二套人民币和第三套人民币票样各有一百多枚,第一套人民币和第四套人民币的票样各两三百枚。 这些票样大多数都是我从报刊上发表的文章中搜集的,只有很少一部分是我自己去翻找收藏的,所以能够找到文章的出处。
1.背绿一角,208元(1953年),北京西郊香山西北麓的妙峰山。这是唯一的一枚有山峰图案的人民币。 2.红三圆,802元(1955年),江苏苏州虎丘风景区。 3.黄五元,702元(1956年),内蒙古赤峰克什克腾旗达里湖。 4.蓝四角,156元(1958年),新疆乌鲁木齐南郊的雅玛里克山。 5.背印五元,448元(1960年),甘肃兰州五泉山。 6.红色百元券,244元(1960年),陕西西安碑林博物馆。 7.蓝色百元券,244元(1 Ninth notes of the hundred-yuan note are printed in blue and green, but only a small number were issued, since they were used as exchange notes for foreign currencies. They can be found at the Bank of China's headquarters today, located at 1 Zhong Guancun, Beijing’s Haidian District. The building is now a museum that showcases the history of Chinese currency )。
The banknote shows the Temple of Heaven in Beijing, where emperors once prayed for good harvests. It was photographed from the North Gate of Tiantan Park, which lies to the south of the temple complex. 10.棕三圆,824元(1962年),湖北恩施的狮子关水库。 11.黑十元,132元(1964年),吉林长春伪满皇宫。